I used to go fishing there.

I used to go fishing there.

Originally shared by Rodney Campbell

Sydney on Fire

Blues Point, Sydney Harbour, NSW, Australia
NIKON D600 + 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8 @ 14 mm, 1.6 sec at f/11, ISO 100 + Hitech 0.9 Reverse GND 

Shooting sunset at Blues Point on Sydney Harbour I was literally bathed in glorious light - looking around for a moment I could see the skies were going insane over the city and the colour was extraordinary - so a quick spin about and recompose to take in the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney CBD just five minutes after sunset

#Sydney Sydney
member of www.besttopphotographer.com Best Top Photographer Group ,Rinus Bakker , BTP Daily Highlight ,  BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
ColorsOnFriday curated by Karsten Meyer Britta Rogge #ColorsOnFriday
#SunsetSaturday Sunset Saturday curated by Dennis Hoffbuhr
PixelWorld curated by Alberto Carreras #pixelworld
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Stunning Moment curated by Alycia Miller Christopher Prins Britta Rogge #stunningmoment
ShowYourBestWork by Britta Rogge & Rita Gijbels #showyourbestwork
10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by Robert SKREINER #10000photographersaroundtheworld
HQSP Landscape curated by Terrie Gray Johnny Minor Lani Banadera Aamir Shahzad Delcour Eric #hqsplandscape
Landscape Photography curated by Margaret Tompkins Carra Riley paul t beard David Heath Williams Bill Wood Jim Warthman Ben T #LandscapePhotography
Cityscape Photos curated by Robert SKREINER
#AllThingsRed AllThingsRed curated by Lucille Galleli and Stephen Thackeray
BTP Landscape Pro curated by Nancy Dempsey Rinus Bakker #BTPLandscapePro
BTP Cityscape Pro curated by Carey St. Hilaire Rinus Bakker #BTPCityscapePro
