Look what I found in a box of old crap in my shed, Mandrake Linux 6.0 3CD set, I remember buying this 15yrs ago, lol!

Look what I found in a box of old crap in my shed, Mandrake Linux 6.0 3CD set, I remember buying this 15yrs ago, lol!
#linux #systemau #linuxgamecast
You using Mageia now?
ReplyDeleteI'm a Buntu fan boy now, because all good relationships need to be stable, easy and low maintenance ; )
ReplyDeleteHa! Don't I know it. Nick was trying to talk me into installing Slack on my laptop as well today, however unlike him I need to do actual work on mine. :P
ReplyDeleteI did Slackware over 10 years ago and found it fiddly and high maintenance, was good as a server but not for a desktop pc environment. Opinions are like assholes.