Been using Telegram for a few months now, quite handy and encrypted goodness!

Been using Telegram for a few months now, quite handy and encrypted goodness!
Now channels are supported on very latest telegram app on android and desktop, so its a little like IRC but doesn't look like 1998 and more secure than irc by default.
Ubuntu UK Podcast has one, just click and launch Telegram client:


  1. I need to take a closer look. Joined the Ubuntu Podcast  "channel" this morning.

  2. I like the idea of channels, trying to figure out howto, I think it could also be useful for me @ work for my classes/students.

  3. So there doesn't appear to be a way to interact on the desktop client. Broadcast only?

  4. Erk, I got too excited, it seems to only broadcast makes me sad :(
    Not a huge fan of irc, I set up an IRC Channel for work but students hate it.

  5. Groups are more akin to irc channels, channels (in telegram) are more akin to broadcasting updates one-way. Both have their uses.

  6. Alan Pope Just looked more into it, seen Groups, they also look good but I have to manually add contacts into specific group to act like irc channels. A bit of a pain if you have a hundred different students each semester.

  7. Eric Tsingos no you don't. You can give them links just the same as with channels.

  8. Alan Pope OK, that would be more convenient, will give it a go. I was initially apprehensive  because when playing with it, it would only let me create a group if I selected existing contacts first. Cheers!

  9. Anyone else interested, how to invite participants into groups (like irc channels)

  10. Yeah, you create the group first, even with just you in it, then give it a public link in the settings, then share that.

  11. hey Alan Pope  have you found away to lock the group avatar and name from random changes.


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